Natural Treatment for Fallopian Tubes Opening

Natural Treatment for Fallopian Tubes Opening

What Causes Fallopian Tube Blockage?

The female reproductive system is so much interesting. How an egg is released from an ovary, travels through fallopian tubes, gets fertilized and begins to grow in the uterus is so fascinating. All parts of the female reproductive system contribute to forming a new life. And if any part is affected, fertility may be affected too.

A fallopian tube is one of those parts. If a fallopian tubes is damaged or blocked, it may affect fertility and cause infertility. Let’s understand a bit about the fallopian tube.

Fallopian tubes are actually thin tubes, also called oviducts, which connect the ovaries and the uterus. The female reproductive system is designed to have two ovaries and two fallopian tubes. Both ovaries are connected to the uterus through two fallopian tubes.

Each month, an egg is released from one of the ovaries and picked by the fallopian tube. If fertilized, the egg implants into the uterus and grows there. If not fertilized, then the egg is released during menstruation.

In a blocked fallopian tube, the egg may get stuck in the tube, failing to reach the uterus. Because of the blockage, sperm may also not penetrate the egg. So, these conditions may cause infertility. But what causes a blockage in the fallopian tube?

(Read More – Visit Specialist Doctor For Tubal Blockage)

The Causes of a Blockage in the Fallopian Tube

The conditions that may cause a blockage in the tube are described below:

  • tubal ligation removal
  • an ectopic pregnancy (the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus)
  • genital tuberculosis (genital tuberculosis takes place in the reproductive tract)
  • endometriosis (the growth of endometrial-like tissues outside the endometrium)
  • pelvic inflammatory disease (PID can affect the fallopian tube)
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs can infect the fallopian tube)
  • Uterine fibroids (the non-cancerous tissue grow in the uterus or the fallopian tube)
  • Scar tissue
  • Pelvic adhesions
  • Surgery in or around the reproductive organs

How Is A Fallopian Tube Blockage Diagnosed?

There are several methods through which a blocked fallopian tube is diagnosed. Some of them are:

A sonohysterosalpingography. The doctor tries to find out the blockage by spraying saline fluid with sterile air into the cavity of the uterus through the vagina. The doctor observes this flow through a vaginal ultrasound.

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG). The doctor sprays a special dye into the cavity of the uterus through the cervix. He/she observes the flow of this special dye through a series of x-rays.

Laparoscopy. The doctor inserts a laparoscope through a tiny incision made in the abdomen. A camera and a light allow the doctor to see inside the uterus. The doctor tries to detect if there is any blockage in the tube.

Ultrasound. With the help of the ultrasound, the doctor gets the images of the inside. A swollen fallopian tube may be a sign of hydrosalpinx, a blockage because of fluid filled in the tube. A vaginal ultrasound can also be done. But, this method is not very effective. Many cases go undetected.

What to do when fallopian tube is blocked?

Many women do not get to know that their fallopian tubes are blocked because this condition is asymptomatic. Pelvic pain may be felt in the case of hydrosalpinx. Otherwise, very rarely does this condition show any symptoms.

When women do not conceive even after several attempts, they think of consulting a doctor. The doctor tries to find out why they are not getting pregnant. After diagnosis, women get to know about the blockages in their fallopian tubes.

If a woman is not getting pregnant, it does not mean her tubes are blocked. There are other reasons too due to which they fail to conceive. A tubal blockage is one of those conditions. So, if a woman has not been pregnant even after one year of unprotected sex, she should consult a doctor.

If the woman is older than 35, she should consult a doctor after 6 months of not getting pregnant. The doctor may diagnose both partners to find out who is not capable of giving birth. If a man is infertile, her female partner won’t get pregnant.

(Read More – Doctor for Infertility Treatment in Delhi)

Ayurvedic doctor for opening fallopian tubes

You can go for a natural treatment for blocked fallopian tubes. Ayurveda provides natural treatment for this. In Ayurveda, you can find fallopian tube blockage treatment without surgery. In the modern system of medicine, surgery is the chief treatment for unblocking the fallopian tubes.

But, how can Ayurveda provide a non-surgical treatment for this? Ayurveda can provide a non-surgical treatment for blocked fallopian tubes with its herbs and therapies.

An ayurvedic doctor prepares a medicinal decoction and administers it into the cavity of the uterus through the vagina. The decoction is pumped through a thin pipe which is inserted into the uterus through the vagina and the cervix.

This medicine is effective in repairing and unblocking the fallopian tube. This therapy is called Uttarvasti. The doctor can also prescribe fertility herbs for improving fertility.


If you are looking for a natural, non-surgical, safe and pain-free treatment for blocked fallopian tubes, you should consult an ayurvedic gynecologist. This treatment has helped many women open their fallopian tubes, and they were able to conceive naturally.

(Read More – Welcome To Ayurvedic Doctor Dr. Chanchal’s)

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