Male Infertility Treatment in Delhi

Male infertility is a medical disease in which sperm dysfunction is the cause of unsuccessful conception. Only if there is a lack of confection despite engaging in sexual activity without protection for over a year can it be proven. Extensive tests and evaluations are required before Male Infertility Treatment in Delhi may be made.

Male infertility is carefully treated at Aasha Ayurveda. We recognize the difficulties caused by societal prejudice and phobia. This is why we are discreet and follow stringent guidelines regarding patient confidentiality. We respect your right to privacy and will never share your medical history.

(Read More : Azoospermia: Low Sperm Count Treatment)

How Does Male Infertility Develop?

Most of the time, there aren’t any outward signs that something is wrong. The cause can only be determined by medical testing. However, there may be indicators that you may recognize and act upon in some situations. Among these are a diminished sense of smell, an inability to perform sexually, pain in the testicular region, and other symptoms.

Male infertility can occur for a variety of different reasons. The optimal treatment can only be provided if the underlying problem is identified and addressed. At Aasha Ayurveda, a Male infertility clinic in Delhi, we try several approaches to zero in on the root of the problem.

A variety of medical issues can bring on male infertility. Varicocele, retrograde ejaculation, infection, anti-sperm antibodies, and benign and malignant tumors are all examples.

Other causes include:

  • Genetic abnormalities.
  • Hormone imbalances.
  • Problems during fetal development.
  • An inability for the testicles to descend into the sac.

In addition, other environments have been shown to cause male infertility. For instance, pesticides and organic solvents are just two examples of industrial pollutants linked to decreased sperm count after prolonged exposure. Furthermore, radiation exposure can reduce sperm count.

Finally, a particular way of living can also contribute to this health problem. Hormonal changes brought on by obesity can impede sperm production, resulting in diminished male fertility. In addition, a man’s fertility can be negatively affected by his chronic use of drugs and alcohol.

(Read More : Male infertility: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment)

Inadequate Sperm Count

As many as 90% of male infertile couples deal with sperm issues, most commonly azoospermia, oligospermia, immobility, and poor sperm quality. At Aasha Ayurveda, intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) can fertilize eggs with as few as a single healthy sperm.

Cancer-related injury

Cancer treatments, including radiation and chemotherapy, have been linked to a decrease in sperm count. Male fertility may also be affected by removing one testicle for medical reasons, such as cancer. Before beginning cancer therapy, the doctors at Aasha Ayurveda can freeze and keep viable sperm.


Some infection of the reproductive organs is responsible for 30%-75% of male infertility. Anti-sperm antibodies, which actively seek out and destroy sperm, are a good indicator of infection. Antibodies are commonly used to treat certain conditions.

Blockage of the Ducts

In men with ejaculatory duct obstruction, the discharge volume of semen is minimal, and there is either no sperm present or very few that are motile. 1-5% of infertile males have a blocked ejaculatory conduit as the cause of their infertility. Ejaculatory conduit obstruction, however aberrant, is diagnosed and treated using less invasive methods. The vas deferens may not develop at all in certain people. Aasha Ayurveda offers TESA, MESA, and TESE surgeries to treat infertility.

Male infertility can also be caused by other factors, such as those listed below.

Testicular infections (such as syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydiosis).

Undergoing medical intervention such as medication, radiation therapy, or surgery to treat a medical condition; for instance, to treat a hernia, undescended testes, or testicular torsion.

Hydrocele, varicose veins, and lifestyle variables include being overweight or working in an industry exposed to chemicals or radiation.

(Read More :  Premature Ejaculation Natural Treatment in Hindi)

How do doctors determine if a man is infertile?

• Male infertility can be diagnosed initially with a comprehensive history and physical examination.

• The study of the husband’s sperm is the mainstay of the investigation. This easy, non-invasive test has the potential to reveal a plethora of data. For an egg to be fertilized, a male must produce millions of sperm that are both healthy and mobile. Therefore, infertility occurs when sperm have trouble entering an egg (FERTILISATION) due to issues with their number (COUNT), mobility (MOTILITY), or quality (MORPHOLOGY).

Is there anything special that needs to be done before analyzing semen?

·   Abstinence for 3-7 days before semen analysis is recommended.

·   It’s best to only deliver your sample inside the lab, where the temperature is controlled, and to avoid a sperm-killing gap of more than seven days between sexual encounters.

·   If a home collection is still desirable, remember to keep the turnaround time to the lab to less than 30 minutes.

·   If you’ve been sick recently, you shouldn’t get a semen analysis.

When and why should a man see a specialist for male infertility?

The inability to conceive is the most apparent symptom of infertility. There may be further outward manifestations of whatever ails you. Signs of sexual dysfunction or hormonal difficulties, such as erectile dysfunction or a lack of body hair growth, may be present in an infertile male.

Is It Time To See A Doctor?

Men should see a doctor if any of the following apply to them:

• They have a low sperm count or problem with sperm production or function

• They have a history of prostate, testicular, or any sexual problem

• They have undergone cancer treatment

• They have swelling in the scrotum or small testicles

• They have a history of infertility in their family. 

Aasha Ayurveda Offers Treatment for Male Infertility

We run comprehensive diagnostics to determine the best course of treatment. To do so, we need the patient’s in-depth medical history. Health, family medical history, diet, lifestyle, and nutritional supplement data all fall under this category. In addition, we inquire about things like sexual histories, stressful settings, and occupational exposures. The experts can reach the correct judgment once these questions are resolved. Obtaining an accurate diagnosis is crucial for designing a practical course of treatment.

The patient’s unique treatment plan is developed when the diagnosis has been made. In addition, we offer competitive rates for our services and welcome your inquiries. You may have concerns that need answering. In addition, we will only move forward with the treatment plan if we get your approval. Contact Aasha Ayurveda today to learn more about our male infertility program.


When male infertility is diagnosed early, Natural treatment for male infertility and lifestyle adjustments have a positive effect. Ayurvedic physician Dr. Chanchal Sharma gathers patient information. Reviewing the patient’s medical history and recommending further testing if necessary. After carefully assessing the patient, medication is prescribed. Ayurvedic medicine has advanced greatly thanks to Dr. Chanchal Sharma’s efforts. She avidly advocates the Ayurvedic lifestyle and enjoys teaching others about it.

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