Low AMH Treatment

Low AMH levels: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Small, immature eggs in a woman’s body secrete an Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH). Because women’s follicle counts naturally decline with age, it’s far more straightforward for a woman in her twenties to conceive than in her thirties or forties. However, in the present climate, females may use up their egg supplies considerably sooner than expected due to diet, stress, and lifestyle issues.

The AMH test can reveal how many eggs are in reserve but cannot evaluate egg quality. Additionally, Egg quality decreases with age. The widespread misunderstanding about low AMH needs to be dispelled.

Located in Rajouri Garden, Delhi-110027, Aasha Ayurveda is a highly regarded infertility clinic. Ayurveda treats the whole person as one integrated system because the body and the mind are inseparable. Our clinic specialises in Low AMH Treatment with Ayurvedic medication and other herbal remedies. Inexpensive treatment aims to restore hormonal equilibrium. If the patient presents many complaints, such as diabetes, obesity, etc., the doctor will only prescribe medication after carefully considering the patient’s concerns. More than 5,000 people have gotten better thanks to our help. Panchakarma procedures like Vaman, Virechan, Basthi/Uttar Basthi, Shirodhara, and Nasya may be used in Natural Treatment for Low AMH, depending on the severity of the condition and the patient’s preferences.

Why might one have low AMH?

After a certain age, it is normal for women’s AMH levels to decline. Factors, including an abnormal fall in AMH levels, can cause Premature menopause. Possible reasons for low AMH levels include those listed below.

Incorrect ways of living: Everything from people’s diets to how they interact with the natural world has shifted dramatically in the last few decades. Those delicious yet bad foods for you tend to be the most popular. Water pollution, air pollution, and the overuse of pesticides on fruits, vegetables, and cereals are just a few examples of how the environment has been contaminated. These variables can increase the accumulation of toxins in the body and lead to hormone disruption.

Immune system disorders: The human body has defence mechanisms to identify and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms, including bacteria and viruses. Autoimmune diseases cause the body to attack and destroy its healthy tissue. Reproductive cell or tissue damage is possible with this disorder, which may further reduce AMH levels.

Endometriosis: This illness may also affect the hormone levels called acromegaly (AMH). Endometriosis occurs when tissues similar to the uterine lining are discovered in other locations, most commonly the ovaries and the fallopian tubes. Inflammation from these tissues can spread to other organs and have a detrimental effect on AMH levels.

PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome: In PCOS, the ovaries produce an excess of the male hormone androgen. The numerous cysts characteristic of this illness can lead to a fall in AMH levels.

Genes: Genes profoundly influence the organism’s structure and hormonal system. Several diseases could be passed on genetically to future generations. One of these might be abnormal AMH.

Cancers: Cancers of the ovary or cervix may have a suppressive effect on AMH levels. AMH levels could drop even without cancer treatment having anything to do with it.

Are your AMH levels too low?

It’s important to know that even if you notice a few symptoms, that doesn’t necessarily mean your AMH levels are low. There may be no outward signs of this disease at all. However, if you have any of the following symptoms, it is recommended that you can consult Dr Chanchal Sharma for LOW AMH Treatment in Delhi.

*   Menstrual periods that are too short

*   Infrequent periods or the end of periods altogether (menopause)

Low AMH levels may not necessarily preclude pregnancy. Even with low AMH levels, pregnancy is possible depending on the egg’s quality. However, the possibility of early menopause, given your low AMH levels, is cause for concern. Do not worry if you do not intend to become pregnant soon.

Low AMH and Ayurvedic Medicine

If your AMH level is low, it means your ovarian reserve is poor. Dr Chanchal Sharma’s holistic approach to Natural treatment for Low AMH considers the condition’s underlying causes. Treatment based on Ayurvedic principles has been shown to improve AMH, balance hormones, and correct the ovarian response to AMH.

Her ayurveda therapies must focus on Shamana, Shodhana, and Rasayana to raise her AMH.

*  Internal drugs used in shamanic treatments, such as deepana and pachana, aim to restore hormonal equilibrium and the body’s natural ‘dosha’ balance. Medication to treat conditions such as hypothyroidism, obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, etc., may also be prescribed for LOW AMH Treatment in Delhi.

*  Shodhana treatments involve eliminating metabolic poisons from the body to restore metabolic and physiological equilibrium. Panchakarma treatments like nasyam, vamanam, virechanam, vasti, and raktamoksha are all a part of shodhana. Your ayurvedic practitioner will determine which treatment (or combination of treatments) is best for you based on your unique dosha, current state of health, and hormonal profile.

*  The Rasayana system of medicine, lifestyle adjustments, and nutrition is designed to restore the body’s vitality and health in all areas, including physical performance, hormonal stability, and fertility.

LOW AMH Treatment in Delhi should include specialised therapies like uttara vasti, yoni pichu, etc.

Herbs and medications commonly used in Ayurveda to raise AMH levels include

Dadimadi ghritam, shatapushpa choornam, satavari gulam, mahanarayana tailam, saraswatharishtam, etc., are just a few of the medicines that Dr Chanchal Sharma utilises for Low AMH Treatment. Medications from the Deepana Pachana system, such as vaiswanara choornam, hinguvachadi choornam, etc., are also helpful.


Natural treatment for Low AMH aims to restore the health of the reproductive and endocrine systems rather than the level of hormones themselves. Dr Chanchal Sharma’s ayurvedic medicine for low AMH aims to boost fertility by normalizing hormone levels, making it easier for the ovaries to generate viable eggs. You can get pregnant more easily after undergoing her treatments. Her AMH-boosting ayurvedic therapies are combined with cutting-edge techniques like IVF to maximize the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy. Natural or assisted conception and implantation of an embryo both benefit from the ayurvedic treatments offered by Dr Chanchal Sharma.

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