incrase AMH level naturally, AMH level

How to Increase AMH Levels Naturally – Dr Chanchal Sharma

Low AMH full form and meaning

The anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) is examined by a blood test to find out how many eggs are left in your ovary, also known as ‘ovarian reserve’. This test is not done to evaluate the quality of the eggs. The quality of the eggs depends on your age and can be examined by taking your eggs outside the body for evaluation.

AMH decline is experienced by every woman as she ages. And therefore, the results are evaluated on the basis of the age group.

It is said that the AMH levels are undetectable at the time of menopause. The AMH relatively is a marker for measuring ovarian reserve and is crucial for female and male genital development. However, males’ testicles also produce AMH, but no clinical relevance has been seen in this regard.

(Read More – Low AMH: causes, symptoms and Ayurvedic treatment)

Is there any relationship between low AMH and the chances of getting pregnant at the moment?

You should understand that the AMH test does not give any information about a woman’s chance of getting pregnant. A woman’s chance of getting pregnant depends on several things including the health of the fallopian tubes and the eggs, the quality of the male partner’s sperm and ovulation.

Even if the AMH level is low, a natural conception may still occur. Ovulation is the most important for a natural pregnancy. Although, low AMH levels might indicate that the woman has a short time left to become pregnant. If you are planning to have a baby and your AMH levels are low, you’d better consult a doctor.

What causes low AMH levels?

Age is a natural cause due to which the AMH levels may go down. Other causes that could lower the AMH levels are:

  • Genes. Changes in genes may lower the AMH levels. A low AMH case history in a member of the family may also affect your level of AMH.
  • Endometriosis. In this condition, endometrial tissues that are generally found in the endometrium grow outside the uterus and cause inflammation. Scar tissues and the inflammation may damage the fallopian tubes and the ovaries and may cause low AMH levels.
  • Autoimmune diseases. What is an autoimmune disease? In this condition, the immune system attacks the healthy cells of your body. It could also damage the healthy cells, which may lower the AMH level.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In PCOS, the ovary produces an abnormal amount of androgen, a male hormone. Multiple cysts in the ovaries can affect the AMH levels.
  • Negative lifestyle. Excessive smoking, alcohol consumption, pollution, vitamin D deficiency, obesity and unhealthy eating habits may lower the AMH levels.

Cancers and their treatments. Certain cancers and their treatment including chemotherapy could also lower the AMH.

(Read More – Tubal disease infertility: reproductive Ayurvedic treatment)

What are the symptoms of low AMH?

Actually, there are no particular symptoms that immediately indicate low AMH levels, but the following signs may signal a woman’s low AMH levels.

  • Irregular periods
  • Short menstrual cycles
  • Cessation of the menses permanently (menopause)

These are the general symptoms; and therefore, may not be associated with AMH levels at all. It is the AMH test that provides information about the AMH levels.

What is the relationship between the AMH and the chances of getting pregnant in the future?

The AMH test can indicate if a woman is going to enter premature menopause. In premature menopause, the woman may lose all of her eggs before time. Usually, a period of diminished ovarian reserve can lead to premature menopause.

(Read More – गर्भनली (ट्यूबल ब्लॉकेज) का योग द्वारा उपचार)

Low AMH Treatment in Ayurveda

For an older woman who does not want to give birth to a child, low AMH treatment is no concern at all. But for a young woman who wants to have a child, if necessary, the AMH treatment can be given. Low AMH level treatments are:

  • In vitro fertilization (IVF) with donor eggs
  • In vitro fertilization with the eggs of the same woman
  • Natural treatment (low AMH level ayurvedic treatment)

Ayurvedic treatment for improving the AMH levels also aims to improve the quality of the ovum, correct the hormonal levels and the ovarian response to hormones.

There are therapies and herbs that can improve the AMH levels. The herbs include satvari gulam, dadimadi ghritam, saraswatharishtam, shatapushpa choornam, mahanarayana tailam etc.

A combination of shamana and shodhana therapies may help a woman enhance her AMH levels. Shamana therapy is internal medication to improve metabolism and balance doshas. Medicines can also be prescribed for conditions like obesity or overweight, thyroid issues, diabetes or any other condition if you have any.

Shodhana therapy aims at taking the metabolism toxins out of the body so that the body can function better on hormonal and immunity levels. shodhana therapies may include vamana, nasyam, basti, virechana and raktmochan.

Low AMH doctor in Delhi (Ayurvedic doctor)

Consult Doctor Chanchal Sharma, (Aasha Ayurvedic Center)

Contact number: +91- 9811773770, Website:

(Read More – Low AMH: causes, symptoms and Ayurvedic treatment)

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