female infertility

Female Infertility Between Women to Motherhood

A woman stages multi-roles in her life and each phase has its own value. Motherhood is the pride role that every woman desires to play. But between women to motherhood, lie some health challenges restricting women to mother incarnate and one of the major issues is Female Infertility.

What Is Female Infertility?

Infertility in women is defined as inability to conceive after a year of unprotected sexual intercourse. The inability of a woman to carry the pregnancy to a full term is also called infertility in women.

What is Ayurvedic treatment for infertility in female

No doubt persists about the validity of Herbal treatment, need is for an analysis through Ayurvedic insight.

Ayurveda identifies female reproductive system in a different way. 

In Ayurveda, Female pelvis is called ‘Shroni’, and the blood and nutrition is supplied by 2 main ‘Srotas’-

Rajovaha srota- supplies blood and nutrition to the uterus, cervix and vagina.

Artavaha srota- includes blood supply to the ovary and fallopian tube.

Ayurveda factors Sperm-health, Ovum and Healthy uterus for conception in women. In male and female,

‘Shukra Dhatu’ is responsible for the health of the reproductive system including other body tissues. In case of defect in any one, it leads to infertility.

Signs of Infertility in Women

What factors cause female infertility?

It’s the common question that arises in many women, especially those who are trying to conceive but unfortunately are not able to get pregnant.

Issue of infertility is on the rise as it is faced by many couples world-wide, and still counts. It is difficult to guess, detect, trace and/or diagnose cause of infertility, as there are more than one female infertility symptoms, they are

Absurd Menses cycle – Irregular menstrual cycle- the normal cycle is 28 days long. If the menstrual cycle lasts from 21-35 days but is consistent is also normal. Hormonal imbalance such as “Hyperprolactinemia” or PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) causes irregular periods and might be symptoms of infertility in women.

Excess Menses – Heavy and painful menstruation may occur due to endometriosis and causes infertility issues in 20- 40% of the women.

Aching Activity   – Experiencing pain during sexual intercourse, endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease may be the reason for such painful experience.

Abnormal fluctuations – Sudden weight gain, hair-fall/loss, fatigue, appearance of facial hair, hormonal disorder if experiencing headaches. Hormonal imbalance is also an infertility sign of Infertility  in women.

What Causes of Infertility in Women?

Menstrual cycle indicates much about the health of the female reproductive system. Menses-Cycle may fluctuate on account of factors like diet, mental stress, lifestyle, a lot of physical work out etc.  In Ayurvedic context, the main causes of female-infertility are as follows-

The ‘Vata Dosha’ is mainly responsible for causing defects in the eggs and hence many times responsible for infertility. The ‘Vata’ may get imbalanced due to fear, stress, anxiety, trauma, fasting, eating cold-dry and light substances.

‘Pitta dosha’ results in scarring of the fallopian tube and inhibits descent of the ovum, thus causing infertility.

 Blocked fallopian tubes or thickened fallopian tubes, uterine fibroids are caused due to aggravated ‘kapha doha’ causing infertility.

 Types of Female Infertility

Ancient Ayurvedic treatment classifies women-infertility in three categories:-

 Vandhya     condition of an absolute sterility/ permanent infertility and is non-curable.

Apraja        condition with possibility of conceiving and is curable.

Sapraja       condition of infertility after 1-2 child birth

Also read – Ayurvedic treatment for male-infertility


Female Infertility Tests

If a woman fails to conceive in more than a year, she must undergo tests to diagnose for fertility problems.

 If a woman is not able to conceive after more than a year she must undergo fertility tests to know the cause of infertility.

Fertility Test facilitates an early diagnosis and scopes quick healing the problem within time enabling women to cherish the fruits of being a mother.

The reasons for infertility in females can be known by running fertility tests only. 

In other similar instance when a woman fails to conceive after a year in-spite of unprotected sexual intercourse, recurrent miscarriage, and irregular heavy menstruation with a cycle of more than 35 days, endometriosis, issues in the fallopian tubes, they must mandatorily undergo fertility test.

The female infertility test includes–

Thorough medical assessment

Ultrasound facilitates structural diagnosis, like scanning the shape of Uterus and Cysts and is quite helpful in providing a better insight.

Hormone Blood Test scopes evaluation of follicular stimulating hormone, AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) and Estradiol.

Ovarian Reserve Test enables to assess the potential count of eggs in the ovaries.

Laparoscopy is an evaluation of Endometriosis.

Sonohysterogram test diagnoses the Uterine lesions and irregular growths.

Hysterosalpingogram focuses on X-ray woman’s Fallopian-Tubes and Uterus.  It is for detecting obstruction in the fallopian channel and detrimental in analyzing abnormal shape of Uterus.

Hysteroscopy- It is used to view the Polyps and Fibroids in the Uterus.

Assessing and determining infertility in Women is not an accurate diagnosis in home-testing.  At the most infertility can be concluded only on the basis of a year plus unprotected sexual intercourse. It is wise consulting infertility specialists for a proper diagnosis and for required treatment. Women’s infertility test cost may vary in each diagnostic laboratory; however it is roughly anything between 4,000 to 6,000 rupees.

Treating Infertility in Women

Ayurveda emphasizes self-healing and a balancing mechanism to treat female-infertility. Ayurveda accounts toxins (AMA) which results due to poor digestive system, as the root factor of all the diseases.

Hence Ayurveda mandates Agni treatment using digestive herbs and spices, adopting and following timely meals and avoiding cold food and aerated drinks.


Panchakarma for Infertility Treatment

Panchakarma is a therapy mentioned in the Ayurveda. It is an internal cleansing procedure which is indeed the best natural treatment for infertility for females. Therapies such as Shirodhara, Abhyanga, Nasya Karma, Basti Karma, Marma Therapy help in releasing impurities from the body channels. It is the best natural way to increase fertility in women. This women infertility treatment of Ayurveda nourishes body tissues, revitalizes the mind and enhances the immune system. Panchakarma is prescribed by Ayurvedic Doctors and is a natural way in increasing fertility in women. Shodhan Chikitsa helps regulate Ovulatory-Cycle. Basti Karma is recommended in treating blocked fallopian tubes, pelvic adhesions and other inflammation in the reproductive organs.

 Massage Therapy

Sedentary life-style results in the stagnation of lymph flow. Hence the massage works to stimulate the lymph flow. Conception chances increase when then block in fallopian tubes clears. It is a proven fact that massaging different areas of hands and feet stimulates the connected internal organs thereby increasing chances of curing infertility.

 Ayurvedic Herbs Used in Infertility

A combination of herbs is used for natural treatment of infertility in women. It helps in regulating the menstrual cycle and balances the hormones. Medicated ghee and oils such as shatapushpa tail, narayana taila, kalyan ghrita, dadimadi ghrita are commonly used. Some of the ayurvedic medicines for infertility in women are- chandraprabha vati, yograj guggulu, ashokarishta, kanchnar guggulu, kaishor guggulu, triphala guggulu, shatavari, jeevanti, dashmoola, guduchi, punarnava, gokshura etc are used.

Favorable and Unfavorable Food

Diet pivots crucial roles in treating and preventing infertility. Urad dal is reputed to build ‘shukra dhatu’, and Jaggery and black sesame seeds facilitate hormonal balance. Diet should be trans-fat free as it imposes threat to fertility as they block the channels. Vegetables like Spinach, beans, beets, tomatoes increase fertility in women.

  i.   Foods containing preservatives and chemicals must be avoided. Excess consumption of alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, soda, smoking, red meat, refined carbohydrate affects fertility.

  ii.    It is important to include a variety of food in your diet. One must eat small, regular and balanced meals. Ayurvedic doctors recommend consuming different fruits and vegetables everyday instead of repeating the same.

  Infertility treatment options are many but the best fertility treatment for women includes counseling, detoxification therapy ‘Panchakarma’, Uterus & Ovary enhancing functions through Panchakarma, performing Ayurveda’s Garbha-Sarkar & Ante-Natal Care, Ayurvedic-therapy and medicines that promotes fertilization and at last but the least, maintaining healthy lifestyle and balanced dietary.

There are ample laboratories available for infertility treatment in Delhi with different treatment cost, but the best fertility clinic in Delhi is rare.

Dr Chanchal Sharma is the best Infertility specialist in Delhi who has an earned reputation to boost fertility in Women.

“We suggest couples it’s not the treatment cost rather it is the risk elements that non-herbal therapies are prone to. Pregnancy to Motherhood is a natural transition in Females and adopting natural means is the best option to go with.


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